why use leadership trait approach

Leadership Trait Approach For Leading A Team in 2023

Managers often struggle to manage their team effectively because they lack a clear understanding of what makes a leader effective and what encompasses the leadership trait approach framework.

In order to become a truly effective manager, you must first understand what leadership traits make a leader effective. Once you do, you’ll be able to identify these traits in yourself and others and apply them to your management style.

I’ll explain why managers should focus on developing leadership skills and how to develop these skills in themselves and others.

Why use a leadership trait approach?

The traits of great leaders are well documented. They’re often referred to as the “best leader characteristics.” But what makes them different than average leaders? What sets them apart from others who may be just as effective at leading?

One answer is that great leaders possess certain traits that set them apart from everyone else. These traits are not only useful for identifying great leaders; they’re also helpful when trying to understand why some leaders succeed and others fail.

To identify leadership traits, we need to examine the work of Drs. John Holland and Robert Quinn. Their book, Traits of Effective Leaders, provides a detailed analysis of the traits of successful leaders. This book was written over 30 years ago, but its findings still hold true today.

Dr. Holland and Dr. Quinn identified five traits that distinguish great leaders from average ones. These traits include:

Self-awareness – knowing yourself and understanding where you stand relative to others

Decision making – being able to decide quickly and effectively

Motivation – motivating others to act

Communication – communicating clearly and effectively

Empathy – having empathy for others

These traits are important because they help us understand why some leaders succeed while others fail. We can learn from those who succeeded and apply their lessons to our own lives.

If you’d like to learn more about this topic, you can visit traitsoftheleader.com.

What leadership trait approach should I take when selecting my team members?

team selection leadership trait approach
team selection leadership trait approach

When hiring employees, it’s important to select individuals who possess certain qualities. These qualities include integrity, honesty, loyalty, responsibility, accountability, and many others. But there’s another quality that’s just as important – trustworthiness.

Trustworthy employees are trustworthy because they’re honest, reliable, and dependable. They’re not afraid to tell you the truth, even if it hurts. And they won’t lie to you or cheat you out of money.

If you’re looking for trustworthy employees, consider asking yourself these questions:

1) Do they treat everyone fairly?

2) Are they loyal?

3) Can they be trusted?

4) Will they work hard?

5) Is this person trustworthy?

6) Does he/she respect authority?

7) Would I hire him/her again?

How does the leadership trait approach differ from other approaches?

The Leadership Traits Approach (LTA) is a simple framework for understanding leadership behavior. LTA was developed by Dr. Robert Sutton at Stanford University and his colleagues.

Sutton and his team identified five traits that leaders exhibit: vision, influence, integrity, courage, and knowledge. These traits are not exclusive to leadership; rather, they apply equally well to anyone who wants to be successful.

To understand this concept better, let’s take a closer look at each of these traits.

Vision – Leaders must possess a clear sense of direction and purpose. They need to be able to articulate where they’re going and why they’re going there. 

Influence – Leaders must be persuasive and influential. Influential leaders are those who can persuade others to act in ways that benefit them.

Integrity – Integrity means being honest and trustworthy. Leaders should be transparent and open about their intentions and actions.

Courage – Courage is the willingness to face challenges head-on. Leaders must be willing to stand up for themselves and speak out when necessary.

Knowledge – Knowledge is essential to effective leadership. Leaders must be knowledgeable about their field and industry.

These traits are important because they help us understand the different types of leaders we encounter every day. We may not realize it, but most of us are influenced by some combination of these traits.

When you understand the traits, you can begin to recognize leadership styles and identify the type of leader you’d prefer to work with.

Here’s a quick quiz to test your awareness of the traits.

1. Which of these traits would you say is most important to you?

a. Vision

b. Influence

c. Integrity

d. Courage

How can I implement the leadership trait approach with my current team?

The Leadership Trait Approach (LTA) is a proven method for leading teams. LTA helps leaders build strong relationships with their employees, improve employee performance, and create a positive work environment.

This approach works because it focuses on helping each person become his/her own leader. Employees learn to take responsibility for their actions and decisions, and they develop self-awareness and confidence. They feel empowered to make better choices and solve problems themselves.

When implemented correctly, the Leadership Trait Approach creates a culture where everyone feels valued and respected. And when everyone feels valued and respected, everyone performs at their highest level.

To apply the Leadership Trait Approach, leaders must be willing to step back and let others lead. Leaders who try to control everything end up creating chaos instead of order. Leaders who micromanage end up making mistakes and losing credibility.

Instead, leaders should encourage employees to take ownership of their jobs and responsibilities. They should give them freedom to make decisions and set goals. Then, leaders need to help employees understand the consequences of their decisions and actions. Finally, leaders should empower employees to solve problems and find solutions.

How can the leadership trait approach benefit me?

Each piece of the leadership traits approach framework works because each trait is a different perspective on leadership. Each trait provides insight into how you interact with others and how you influence them.

By understanding yourself through this lens, you can identify strengths and weaknesses, and take steps to become a stronger leader.

Here are three traits to consider:

1) Growth – Your ability to grow and develop others.

2) Work Life Balance – Your ability to juggle multiple priorities at once.

3) Influence – Your ability to persuade others to act in ways that align with your values.

Each trait offers unique benefits to leaders who use it. So, when considering your own leadership style, ask yourself these questions:

• What am I good at?

• What am I bad at?

• What would I change?

When answering these questions, keep in mind that every person is different. Some people are naturally strong in some areas and weak in others. And everyone has strengths and weaknesses.

But no matter where you fall on the spectrum, there are things you can do to be a better leader. Consider the following tips:

• Be open to feedback. Ask for input from those you lead. Listen carefully to what they say. Then, reflect on whether their feedback makes sense and whether you agree with it.

• Don’t try to please everyone. Instead, set clear expectations and goals for your team members. Make decisions quickly and clearly.

• Focus on results. Leaders should measure progress toward goals regularly. They should also hold themselves accountable for meeting deadlines.

How can others benefit from the leadership trait approach?

leadership trait approach benefits
leadership trait approach benefits

When you become a better leader, you help your team members improve their lives both personally and professionally. They feel happier and more confident because they’re working with a leader who cares about how them.

One way leaders who use the Leadership Traits Approach (LTA) develop others is through coaching and mentoring rather than micro-managing team members. You help team members grow and learn, and you inspire them to be better tomorrow than they were today.

By developing  and growing others, you are also building a stronger team and a stronger organization.


The Leadership Trait Approach is based on the premise that people are motivated by different things. If you know what motivates each person on your team, you can make sure that everyone gets what he/she wants out of working together. This way, you can build a strong team where everyone feels like they belong.

Look for people who are self-motivated, independent thinkers, and who are willing to take responsibility for their actions. For example, if you’re looking for a project manager, you shouldn’t just go for someone who is great at managing projects. Instead, you should find someone who is good at motivating her team and getting work done.

Once you’ve identified the differences of your team members, you’ll be able to tailor your communication style to match each individual’s needs. For instance, if you notice that one person tends to speak up too much, you could try giving him less information to process. Or maybe you notice that another person prefers to receive feedback privately. By understanding how each person works best, you can help them feel comfortable enough to express themselves without feeling judged.

When you lead effectively, you give your team members the freedom to succeed. Of course no one is perfect, but they will respect you because you trust them to figure things out on their own. They will also enjoy being part of something bigger than themselves and will feel appreciated and engaged.

When you lead well, you inspire confidence in your team members, and they will perform better because they believe in you.

Supporting Statistics

  • Survey of 1,500+ US workers found that 82% of people have significant room for improvement in at least one area of future-minded leadership skills. (betterup.com)
  • Employees are 50% more productive, 90% more innovative, and 150% more engaged when they have inclusive leaders. (betterup.com)
  • According to Goleman, what differentiates effective leaders from ineffective ones becomes their ability to control their own emotions and understand other people’s emotions, their internal motivation, and their social skills (Goleman, 2004). (open.lib.umn.edu)

For more information on becoming a better leader visit worktolead.com